
I wanna be the guy
I wanna be the guy

i wanna be the guy

  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: This game is much more popular in Japan than in its home country of the United States.
  • Alternatively, it's many players' introduction to Platform Hell games, particularly non- ROM Hack games of the genre.
  • Its selection of Awesome Music allows exposure for more obscure titles such as Bionic Commando, E.V.O.: Search for Eden, and Monty on the Run.
  • note Of course, some people head back to cursing again after a while. It's the only way to handle a game like this.

    i wanna be the guy

    Crosses the Line Twice: The game is so insanely over-the-top difficult that you will change your reaction to dying repeatedly in the same spot from annoyance to cursing to laughing.Of course, it's still difficult, but it's far from being the hardest boss. Breather Boss: The Dragon Devil is a very simple boss once you master the jumping at the beginning and ending.

    I wanna be the guy